Drill Usage XR Training

Leveraging Virtual Reality to provide a safe, accessible and cost-effective way of high-risk training for blue collar workforces. This project was created in collaboration with ILLUSORR and PRIYME Inc.


VR, Corporate training, Interactive XR

Ongoing Project

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Praneet Mathur, Ziyadah M. (PRIYME Inc.) & Faisal U-K (ILLUSORR)


C#, Blender, Unity


USA, South Africa, London, India

What is it about?

There are about 2.8 million nonfatal workplace accidents and injuries in the United States’ private industry alone each year. Workplace injuries cost the U.S. an estimated $250 billion each year. Our joint collaboration with ILLUSORR & PRIYME INC addresses these workplace accidents with a Virtual Reality training application.

VR provides a safe environment for training employees using virtual tools and heavy machinery safely in a simulated workplace context.

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The Challenge

Blue-collar workforces often suffer from high attrition rates. Many critical training subjects (eg. Fire safety training, Heavy-duty power tools training, etc), are required to be delivered at scale with the expectation of above-average retention rates. Without extensive hands-on training in high-risk environments, frequent injuries and setbacks are bound to occur.

Our challenge was to reduce the net risk, cost and effort involved in these training procedures.

Impart hands-on high-risk training at scale
Ensure cost and time effectiveness with high accessibility and retention

1. How can risk of injury or damage while training be minimised in high-risk workplaces?

2. How do we ensure long-term retention of the training content in the shortest duration possible?

3. How would such a training program scale to larger blue-collar workforces with high attrition?

The Solution

Our team built a high-fidelty tactile drilling simulation experience for the Oculus Quest 2 system. Delpoyable at scale, this VR experience places the trainee in a virtual workshop environment with tools and materials. Training modules walk the trainee through instructions on how to use the tools.

With advanced features like collision detection, pose analysis and voxel painting, the experience simulates the act of drilling accurately. Integrated training modules allow the trainee to gain a complete understanding even if unsupervised. [Ongoing Implementation]

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VR Tech for industry

VR Tech allows employers to train their workforce from any part of the world without the hassle of mass physical drill.

VR Tech for Trainees

The trainees can access the tech with ease and understand the technicalities in a more streamlined manner and operate from any place in the world.

Use cases

Training in XR can provide an array of benefits like:


Saving enormous amounts of time and cost of training candidates every cycle by optimising the training procedure itself


Providing a safe training environment for the trainees and creating a more interactive experience for them, promoting higher retention.


An embedded performance testing system in the training ensures standardization of training and a quantitative report to verify the same.

Nearly all types of hands-on training at scale can be gamified and optimised at the same time with XR.

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